Lucille Renee Ferguson

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

Lula's Trip to the "Big D"

"Please Fasten your seat belts the Captain is ready for take-off!"
Lucie quickly glanced at her daddy in confusion...take off for what she wondered as she studied the lady next to him. Soon she and her daddy and momma were whipping acorss the big blue sky. Daddy said they were in an airplane that would take them to Dallas...there she would meet some more cousins, aunties, uncles, great-grandma and her grandpa.

Wow! The plane began to land and Lula got a little scared when she felt her stomach drop but soon all was ok. Auntie Bev arrived on time and they headed to her Nan's house. Unfortunately, Lucie missed her Nan, who had just left town for L.A. For two days Lucie met and enjoyed the company of her Daddy's side of the fam. Kyle had picked out some stuffed animals she wanted to give Lucille and Aunt Cheryl (Ferguson) gave her a bag of fun toys too!

Friday Daddy and Momma took Lucille on a drive to Waco to meet Uncle Poe and Aunt Anna...who both went goo-goo for lu-lu!

Saturday was her Great-Grandma's 86th B-day party and what fun! Lucie was passed from lap to lap as she sat and chatted with all.

Sunday was most exhausting since the week had been loaded with excitement. Lots of good-byes were in order and she had one last plop on Grandpa's lap then headed off to the airport again.

To Lucille the airport was old hat and she'd been there and done that. So as Daddy boarded the plane and it took off she was relaxed and ready to play the flight away.

She slept soundly that night and was ready to boogie the next day as she and momma went to get Helton from the Kennel.

Lucie says Howdy Partner to all and can't wait for her Trip South in a couple of weeks..she's got the travel bug!


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