Lucille Renee Ferguson

Sunday, November 19, 2006

Momma's Morning Routine...

"I just love routines so much, I can always count on knowing what is next! Take my Momma for instance, she wakes up and I have a little creamy-delicous. Then Daddy and Momma eat while I play with a spatula or tupperwear (depending on what I feel like is most exciting!). Next, Pappa leaves for...well, I am not to sure but he always leaves at exactly the same time each day! Up Heltie and I go to watch Momma tidy my room and hers while I sing. Finally as she gets ready for the day I bounce around taunting Pup-Pup with toys and squeals!" And then comes my favorite part and Heltie's too...a W (walk)!!! Or as I have also come to know it as ...'Who wants to go have fun, who wants to run and run, who wants to go explore and see the la la la!' All I know is Momma and Helton's energy is infectious and I can't help but join in with a squeal of glee!"


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