Lucille Renee Ferguson

Saturday, June 21, 2008

Lil' Baby Jer!

In order to get the full breath of "Bubsdom" you really must stay "Lil' Baby Jer" with a bit of a country twaing!
Our little man expodes with excitement for the Great Outdoors and is rather passionate about his Lulu (this is how Lucille refers to herself these days!) He has been saying "Ma-ma!" alot lately especially when he wants out of his crib, the Johnny Jumper, high chair, or just needs his "Ma-ma"! Is there anything more enchanting than a a Wee little Weenie calling for his Mommakins?! So now we are working on "Da-da" so he knows how to call upon his handsome Daddy-o!

"Lulu water flower?" "Lulu come?" "Lulu blueberries Momma!" Yes, Lucille refers to herself in the 3rd person all day and is getting quite good at formulating little sentences or "almost" sentences. She is now a popcicle girl! In the morning she helps make then and the afternoons she willingly reminds me we must eat them!
And now Bubsie likes a balloon too! So we are a two balloon fam, but I think he just likes being like his Lula!

Dear Chubsy Bubsy adores his sister and anything she might "toss his way"! In this case a small pinecone that consumed his attention until Lulu noticed how fun it seemed to be for him and then she promptly took it away saying, "NO BUBSIE! Dangerous! Dangerious Mommy!" Naughty little Lulu!


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