Lucille Renee Ferguson

Tuesday, December 02, 2008

Giving Thanks!

Bubsie slept during the actually feast and woke up just in time to discover "gravy" thus polishing it off with a rawther large helping of mashed potatoes hence forth called "Pig Boy!"
A true blue Jeromy having a first lvoe of sausage then gravy...wait until he discovers sausage-gravy and biscuits...his Daddy's favorite!

Handsome Jeromy Sr and Jr! What a duo!

Lu's deep thoughts expressed!

Soaking up Grandpa!

"I'm big! I wanna get bigger! I'm helper girl Da-e...I wanna help!"

Grilled to perfection...Jer treated us all to a de-licious bird! "Three cheers for Da-e...Hurrah!" says Lullers is evervestent cheerleader! Bubs agreed adding a grunt and stuffing himself with turkey and tates...once again a Pig Boy!

"Few books Grandpa?!" "Oh you like this one! Trucks my favorite!"


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