Lucille Renee Ferguson

Saturday, September 30, 2006

The Bathing Beauty...

"You know, I hear Momma use the term 'Natural' alot. I feel it captures what I love about Bath Time the most. This is when I feel most like 'Me'. Daddy is great about giving me long baths and the letting me 'air dry'. It simple is the best!"

"Super Baby!" You realize it is wonderful being such a chub-o-licious wonder. Everyday I help Momma by taking some of that fabulous 'Creamy-Delicious' off her hands. She really makes the tastest!"


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Lucille! I have to say it looks like you are thriving! I can't wait to meet you, and I hope it will be soon!
Cousin Chrissie

9:29 PM  

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