Lucille Renee Ferguson

Monday, December 15, 2008

Water Cooler Drama!

The scene opens on a typical afternoon at "Da-ee's". Lucille is enthrawled with her "red hat" tricks and Bubs with the water cooler. He has been studying under Lucie for a couple of weeks and now feels he is fully capable of conquering the spicket!

A few last minute pointers from Lulu...."No Bubsie like this!"
A squeal of joy echos through the room...Bubs has total control of the water station!

"What!? No! But Momma!!!"

"I won't touch it Momma, I'll just stand here and watch Lucie run past!"

No one is looking so Bubs goes for it! Quickly water floods out fast than Bubbins knows what to like any tiny tot...he just keeps letting it drain! AHHHHH!!!
And so we leave with a happy but soaked Bubs!


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