All the little cousins gathered at Tante Margot's for there first meeting. The time could best be described as lots of squeals, laughs, and swords flying!
Bubsie sizes up Maggie...watching her sleek foot work as she easily navigates the room!
Lawson and Lucie wildly run about in there undies and introduce the new turf to the Idohodians!
Thanks to Aunt Margot there were plenty of swords and sheilds for all old enough to weld them!
Big Bad Pete!
Lawson shows Bubs the ropes on how to fish. Luc and Bubsie were high as kites...warm weather and hoses!
It was so much fun to watch this new generation get to know one another. All the older cousins chatted as waves of us arrived for Merilee and Faris' Big Day!
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