Lucille Renee Ferguson

Saturday, December 05, 2009

My Mary and My Maggie!

That afternoon Mary Claire endeared Lucille to herself by spending a little time out front with her by the creek. Lu is in awe of her "Mary Clary" as she affectionately calls her!

Ice skating on the "crick"!

Little Guy Jer is a swinging boy! He loved this swing out front that looked out on the creek, Lu & Bubs homemade tee-pee of sticks, and the big mountains!

Hmm...looks like Jeromy is sizing up the competition!

Mary Claire takes the "littles" out to help her feed the Bunny and Tuffy!

Watch it Partner...I'm loaded!

Uncle Rich's petting zoo is a blast!

Lucie and her Maggie!

Out early with Dadders Padder to check out the animals...."Feed Donkey!" shouts Bubs with both arms bent at the elbows and hand up!

This is how he remembers "suddenly" each morning what he has to do!

The line up!

"Hey guys I have a great about some grapes!" says Lulu! With a quick following of pitter patters!

"Hmmm....or what?" says little Jer aware that Mommy has not given him ALL the options for breakfast....Aunt Katrina's pantry was a wonderland...Bubs quickly learned how to open it's door and pilfer through the bounty!

The excitment just snowballed as Maggie arrived late with Chrissie and Sam (more cousins!) and we got to soak them up the next morning! Sorry pics are in reverse order!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

merry christmas, addie and gang!!
i just sat down to catch up on the baby blogs, and must give you my most sincere thanks for all the wonderful thanksgiving pics!! i don't know when you find the time to do all the posting, but it is MOST appreciated by this auntie at least! and i'm quite sure i'm not alone! thankyou, dear, sweet girl. your little family is beautiful and so are you! much love, auntie nette

8:42 AM  

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