Lucille Renee Ferguson

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Easter Ups and Downs...

We started with a beautiful Easter weekend, best weather since Lulu was born. The kids dyed eggs outside and decorated each with lots of stickers...thats the high point...

Then there was THE FLOATER. Mommy went up to put things away and noticed "Vanilla" had passed on. Lu was good at practicing her sadness in the mirror (!!!) and Jer for days kept walking in the bathroom saying..."My fish not dead!?" with both hands turned up! Lu opted for the "quick flush" and away when Vanilla to another land....

But right after the "flush" we piled in the car for a fish and came home happy as ever with "Puffins" who is alive and well and if fish have personalities (which I now believe) Puffins and Chocolate get along superb whilst Vanilla and Chocolate definately had issues. haaa haa!


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